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Sugar Land Personal Injury Lawyer > Fresno Brain Injury Lawyer

Fresno Brain Injury Lawyer

Because the brain is involved in everything we do, any injury is extremely disruptive. Someone suffering from a brain injury might be unable to walk, talk, or work, and their families can suffer massive financial loss. The stress is unbearable. Many adults with serious brain injuries cannot take care of themselves anymore. The entire family suffers when a member suffers a brain injury.

Call Henrietta Ezeoke Law Firm to discuss any head injury you suffered in an accident. Our law firm has helped people with all types of brain injuries receive compensation for medical bills and other expenses. Our Fresno brain injury lawyer will explain more in this post.

Types of Brain Injuries

Brain injuries are usually traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which are caused by external trauma to the head or body, but some are also non-traumatic. Any type of brain injury causes serious impairments.

Traumatic brain injuries are usually caused by some outside force, usually experienced as part of a car accident, truck accident, or slip and fall. Victims either suffer a blow to their head, or their head shakes, which moves the brain inside their skulls. Some common TBIs include:

  • Open Head Injury. This is a type of penetrating injury where something fractures the skull or even penetrates down to the brain matter. A person can suffer an open head injury when falling and striking their head on concrete. A bullet to the brain is also an open-head injury. There are many complications, including direct damage to brain tissue, as well as leakage of cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Closed Head Injury. These injuries do not penetrate the skull. Still, a closed head injury might be just as severe as an open head injury. A person can suffer a moderate or severe closed head injury during athletic participation or in a car accident. Any brain bleeding requires immediate attention to reverse the buildup of pressure in the skull.
  • Diffuse Axonal Injury.Hard shaking can tear the connecting nerve fibers in the brain, called axons. Consequently, a victim experiences many impairments with movement, memory, speech, and balance or coordination.

Non-traumatic brain injuries are also serious. For example, a hypoxic brain injury is caused by restricted or disrupted flow of oxygen to the brain. A near-drowning accident is an example. When oxygen is cut off, brain tissue can die and the damage is irreversible.

Brain injuries often require more medical care than other injuries. In addition to immediate surgery to stop bleeding, victims might require rehabilitation and physical therapy. Brain injuries do more than impair movement. They can also impair speech and lead to mental health problems, all of which might require intensive therapy. A patient might need at-home help if they are permanently disabled.

Get the Legal Help You Need

We can sue for compensation to cover all your losses, including medical bills, pain, emotional distress, and reduced income. Your family deserves a compassionate lawyer by their side. Call our firm today to speak with our Fresno brain injury lawyer in a free consultation.

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