Author Archives: Jay Butchko

What Causes Brain Injuries?
Every year, Traumatic Brain Injuries kill almost 75,000 Americans, many due to suicide. Regardless of their intensity, these injuries are usually permanent. Dead brain cells never regenerate. At best, doctors contain the damage and physical therapists train uninjured parts of the brain to assume lost functions. The permanent and ongoing nature of these injuries… Read More »

Private Swimming Pool Injury Claims in Texas: Getting Started
Finding a personal injury lawyer in Texas who can handle a basic swimming pool injury case isn’t hard. Texas has one of the highest number of lawyers per capita in the country. But swimming pool drowning claims are hardly ever basic, especially once an owner’s homeowners insurance company hires a lawyer. Frequently, that happens… Read More »

The Most Common Causes of Wrongful Death
Injuries, be they unintentional or intentional, are the leading cause of death for people under 44. Some injuries are truly “accidents.” Occasionally people walk into doors or momentarily turn their heads the instant a child runs across the street. Usually, however, negligence, or a lack of care, causes wrongful deaths. Legally, drivers must avoid… Read More »

The Nuts and Bolts of a Bicycle Accident Claim
In one way or another, all bicycle accident claims revolve around negligence, which is basically a lack of care. The specific kind of negligence in a bicycle accident case could be ordinary negligence (falling below the standard of reasonable care) or negligence per se (falling below the standard of legal care). Drowsy drivers usually… Read More »

Gumshoe and GPS Evidence in Motorcycle Crash Claims
The victim/plaintiff has the burden of proof and the burden of persuasion in a motorcycle crash case. The burden of proof is a preponderance of the evidence (more likely than not). Victim/plaintiffs must prove the basic elements of an ordinary negligence, negligence per se, or other legal case. But a preponderance of the evidence… Read More »

Wayward Dog Involved in Fatal Car Crash
Few details were available after a man slid into a pole while trying to avoid a dog on the highway. The crash happened in November 2024 along the 13500 block of FM-529. Authorities said the driver was headed westbound when he tried to avoid a dog that was on the roadway. The driver veered… Read More »

Obtaining Compensation in a Hit-and-Run Case
Proving liability in a hit-and-run case is relatively straightforward. The burden of proof in a civil case is only a preponderance of the evidence, or more likely than not. So, if the driver flees the scene and eludes authorities, a Sugar Land hit and run accident attorney must only identify the vehicle’s owner. It’s… Read More »

Top Five Restaurant Injuries
Restaurants depend heavily on foot traffic. The more people in the restaurant, and the more cars in the parking lot, the more money the restaurant makes. All this foot traffic leads to hundreds of thousands of serious injuries every year. These claims are especially common in Southeast Texas, where the closest restaurant is only… Read More »

The New Dog Bite Claims in Texas
Four years after coronavirus lockdowns ended, we still feel their effects in many ways. Pandemic puppies are a good example. In the spring of 2020, many people bought cute, cuddly puppies to help them deal with the lockdown. These puppies grew up largely indoors and largely in isolation. Now, these puppies are fully-grown dogs… Read More »

Elderly Falls: A Closer Look
Many people over 65 can look forward to at least ten or fifteen more active years. They usually have planned some ways to spend those years. A sudden fall wrecks all those plans in a moment. These injuries are very common, and very serious. A third of adults over 65 fall at least once… Read More »